Today, we have the visit to Bath in the afternoon. The students have just watched a video about this town and its monuments to familiarize with all that before the trip.
At the moment, they are with their English teachers (Anthony and Natasha) and Carmen doing a quiz around the town centre for their project. It will take 30 or 40 minutes. Meanwhile, I am staying here to finish the blog. We have no computer at home. Therefore, we are only able to work in the blog at school during the morning.
When they come back, they must continue working in their project, powerpoint and so on.
Then, we'll have lunch and go to Bath.
We hope you'll like the students’ projects we are posting everyday.
There are some pictures about our visit to Stonehenge we would like to show. We always try to take pictures of all the students, but some of them don't like being taken pictures, ONLY SELFIES!
However, here you can see all of them.
Other pictures: