From Sunday, 21st June to Sunday, 28th June
you will write down expressions or
vocabulary learned that day.
Sunday.- Our
flight & first impressions about the family. What is our host family like?
What is our room & house like?
Monday.- First
experiences with school, public transport and the orientation tour around Westgate.
Tuesday.- What
are the classes like? Write about the school, the teachers and the entry test.
Write about the town of Westgate and the afternoon activities.
Wednesday.- Your visit to Canterbury. Did you
like the cathedral? Write about other places visited in Canterbury.
Thursday.- Write
about your routines, meals at home and packed lunch at the school. Write about
the weather we are having. Write
about the sports afternoon. Which sports did you play? Did you have a nice time? Did you meet new people?
Friday.- Write
about our shopping afternoon. Did you find many differences from Spanish shops? What did you buy? How much did you spend?
Sunday.- What can you tell us about Westgate? Did you like Westgate, London and Canterbury? Our flight & journey back home. Best
memories. Any souvenirs bought? Would you go back to Westgate? Would you repeat
the experience?